Friday, November 20, 2009

Commentary on colleagues blog

i agree that our soldiers and their families do need more special attention. The avg. income for a soldier is considerably low and not enough for their family to live comfortably. I recently met a couple and they have two little boys and they are an army family. The husband was gone in iraq for 15 months and has not spent a holiday yet with his 3 year old son. He is home now working and trying to provide for his family where he has to work from 7-4pm and gets paid $10 an hour. The couple just recently moved to round rock from georgia and they barely had enough money. The wife was so concerned about food she went and applied for food stamps. Just recently the husband received a phone call saying that he has to go to the army reserves for 5 months and he has to leave in january. To make matters worse he has post traumatic stress syndrome and he is overly cautious. I personally dont have a loved one in the military but I could only imagine the lives these families live each and everyday worrying about their loved ones and if they are going to come back ok physically and mentally. The incident at fort hood is sad but i also think its a cry for help to wake up America and our government letting us know that our soldiers are suffering and we need to do everything we can to help them. After all it is them who are fight for our freedom.

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